All 57 volcanos of Auckland mission (200km)

Woohoo! I did it. Stoked to get to all 57 volcanos of Auckland in one run on 33hrs (including ferry and boating time etc) and running around 210km I think (need to work out what the boat and drives were). Took a lot of logistics to get the bigger boat and then making sure we were there on time and so having to stop the mainland volcano and restart after our water adventure it we got there in the end. Massive thanks to my lovely wife Madeleine and great mate Simon for organising this.

This wee adventure had been in my mind since mid last year and was everything I hoped for – an explore of our city, a decent training run, some practice in stopping and restarting each hour which is what I’ll be doing in May at the @riverheadbackyardrelaps and having a fun time.
I saw so many things, experienced cultures, encountered people – it was an amazing journey through my city. The mind was alert the whole time, taking everything in and I did’t have any sleep and didn’t feel tired enough to need it. So many things – police sirens going pretty much every 5 mins in South Auckland, passing different church groups singing in different languages on the morning, parties in houses on deck and in garages till 4am…it was awesome.
Around 11pm, Alex and I were approached by a police car near the back blocks of Highbrook/Otara and the cops asked “What are you guys doing?”. “Running” I said casually replied, not really explaining what a mission it had been already. They seemed to take that in their stride and continued to warn us know to turn left at the next junction cause there was bad gang fights down that way! Okay! Luckily the plan was to turn right!
Thanks so much to everyone for your support!!
#57VolcanoesOfAuckland#ultrarunning#ultrarunner#exploreyourcity#nzrunner#allthevolcanos#wildauckland#justkeeplapsin @aklcouncil @ultraspire_nz @tailwindnutritionnz @vylkarunning
A report of such is below – more a photo montage with notes!