One Day to go until the big one – a Riverhead Backyard ReLaps Ultra pre-report

I couldn’t be more excited to start running tomorrow in the Volkswagen Riverhead Backyard ReLaps Ultra and Relay and not know when we’re finishing!
We (Lactic Turkey Events and the Rayments) have created this event because Matt Rayment and I wanted to run in this format event. So we made an event. We were then lucky enough to get it included as a Golden Ticket event (free entry) into the Tennessee, USA based Big’s Backyard Ultra event and it’s finally show time! The event is pretty different – we’ll be running one 6.7km loop an hour and restarting again on the hour, until the last person is standing and complete’s a full loop.
This has been a goal of mine since December and the family have been amazing with their support and motivation – as per the pictures of motivational stuff around home. The gold coin is the Golden Ticket that was sent from the States, to be presented to the winner. So as I’ve been working to create and manage the event I look up and see that everytime and smile! According to them it needs to stay right where it is… in the runningbeast’s home!

I have a few things to pick up and drop off today, but will then officially stop being event director and become participant! The rest of the awesome management team will take over from here (Madeleine Collins, Matt and Rebecca).
My goal for the event in a wider sense, is for NZ to put forward a really strong candidate to the “Backyard World Champs” in October in Tennessee. There are 10 golden ticket events in countries around the world and they will join an already stacked field at Bigs which only has 70 starters. It’s all over as soon as one of the final two runners stops, so it’s weird in that it’s kind of a team event to work together to encourage each other to keep going for a decent distance.

My goal then personally, is to go further than I ever have before and test what the new further-est will be 🙂 Chucking it out there – I would be disappointed to not get at least 48 loops/hours (321km)! But will be aiming to keep on lapsin’ until I can’t laps no more!!

If you want to follow along with the live tracking go here and click on Live Leaderboard –
For the running nerds and Backyard Ultra and Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra Run Group geeks, there will be all sorts of stats!
And the Inst feed for photos is or Facebook page
#riverheadbackyardrelapsultra #keeponlapsin #lastpersonstanding #trailrun #adventure #nosleeptill #lazuruslake #backyardultra #run #newzealand
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